Munsey offers Sunday School for all ages every Sunday at 10:00am, and you can find information for various age groups below. If you have questions about finding a class or group to visit, please contact Amanda Onks, Executive Director of Programs and Ministries (

Curriculum Resources
amplify media for sunday school
Amplify Media: We have Amplify Media available as a resource for our small groups and Sunday School classes. There are a variety of curriculum options available, and you can visit the Amplify site to see what might be a good fit for your group. If you need a login for Amplify or help finding curriculum for your group, please contact Rev. Beth Sullivan (
Munsey Library Study Kits
We have a wealth of study kits in our Munsey Library that are available for individuals, small groups, and Sunday School classes to use as they grow in their faith journeys. Each kit comes with everything needed for the study (leader guide, participant guide, DVD, etc.) and can be checked out from our library for anyone to use. Click below for lists of available resources.