Melting Pot
Serving the physical and spiritual needs of the downtown community in the spirit of peace, wholeness, and validating the worth of every human being.

"Holston United Methodist Home for Children provides hope and healing for a brighter future by sharing the love of Jesus with children and families struggling with life's challenges."
"Children will be raised by healthier families that prepare them to live the fulfilling lives that God intended"
For more information contact Karen Peko at:
north side School
Growing our relationship with North Side Students and Staff by assisting with administrative, program, and student needs throughout the year.

For more information
contact Susan Chinouth:
north side food
Providing food boxes to both families and students in the North Side community who qualify for assistance. Needs are determined by the Staff at North Side
school on an as needed basis.

For more information
contact Steve Baldwin:
ETSU wesley foundation
Provide volunteers along with financial support to the Wesley Foundation student and staff needs.

For more information
contact Beth Sullivan: